Cancellation Policy

Guest can cancel the class 4 hours prior through online channel (Facebook/website/App/ E-mail) and 2 hours through call. Late cancellations policy is, online booking suspension for 7 days for unlimited members, 1 class deduction for class pass members.

Late Cancel & No-Show Policy

We know that life happens, and unexpected circumstances may come up! If you are not able to come to class, please call us before 2 hours of the class starting to let us know your plans have changed.

If a reservation is not cancelled before these 2 hours by either canceling yourself out of the class or notifying us through a phone call, you will be charged for that class or event. We do not accept cancellation requests through email.

If you have a class package, you will be charged 1 class for each class to which you “late cancel” or no-show. If you have an unlimited package, and you late cancel/no-show multiple times without notifying us, you will receive a warning. You will be charged a late cancel/and or no show fee of 30 AED after your warning (made via phone call or email).

Any disputes should be addressed to the studio’s email address

Refund Policy

No refund is applicable on any membership package.